Greed as a Mental Illness
Greed is one of the most pervasive and destructive disorders known to all who live on Earth. It is capable of wiping away continents of people, destroying the planet, and having dysfunction as the basis of our being. The most dangerous aspect of greed is that it is an excepted way of living, honored by many, and so thoroughly embedded in our social complex that it is rarely questioned, it is the way of being. This refers to a single human being, a nation, and all of humanity.
Greed is a way for a human being to fill an emptiness found within ones self. The depth of this emptiness at times can so great that one looses sight of one’s place here on Earth. Our human history is a story of trying to fill this emptiness with power, and material. It gets really convoluted when another human being becomes material and the need for power overwhelms consideration of all other things, such as compassion and our survival here on earth.
Greed is a mental illness because:
1) Like any compulsion, greed takes over and has one doing things that they know are wrong but comes up with any number of excuses for doing so, real or imagined. Scarier still is NOT knowing that what is being done is wrong!
2) Violence is a result of greed. Whether violence of war, murder, starvation, entitlement, or unconsciousness., the people, the earth and all that live within it have been terrorized, killed and marginalized in the name of greed.
3) Greed has made the Earth Herself into a commodity. In the name of greed we have polluted her in more ways than can be named. We have completely lost sight of our connection to Her and all that live with us here on earth. We have taken ourselves out of the web that is the structure of cosmic reality. Alienating us from all that is and the process of life that is our Earth, to the detriment of life on the planet, our children’s children’s children, and ourselves.
4) If one looks at the things that have been done in the name of greed, other words are used of course, like progress, growth etc., it is insane! When one group of people are considered more important than another, when the need for material destroys to the point of eradication and extinction, when we can not stop for our need, we are sick, mentally ill, compulsive in our destruction.
5) Greed has become our religion. How many cultures have been destroyed, people tortured and killed, lived in fear for the greed of a particular religious faction? This is not only monetary greed; this is spiritual greed, power over greed. Wars have been fought and are being fought in the name of religious greed. It is an intrinsic aspect of the organized religions. As if there is only one way of being connected, to honor, give reverence to the Creator, feel free to fill in your word, your meaning of Creator. Diversity is one of the first laws of the cosmos. There is no one thing exactly alike another. There is no one way to live or to be.
6) We have a heath “care” system that is based on profit. This is not a bad thing as long as the profit makers have compassion for their wards and a real sense of care. However, we know this not to be the case. People’s lives are literally threatened, as true thorough care diminishes at the expense of the insurance companies greed. Doctor’s advice is ignored and laws are created to perpetuate this greed. The time for convalescence and services is cut before a patient is completely healed. The pharmaceutical companies along with the government determine what drugs can be sold, allowing for no competition. This competition can be remedies that have been used for millennia. This is not health care; it is a dangerous situation where money and power have become more important than human health and human lives.
7) The food we eat, the iniquitous distribution of food, the chemical use to create the food, and the immoral treatment of animals has created a system that is so peccant it boggles the mind. While people are starving in one place, the farmers are being paid not to grow food in another. The chemicals used as pesticides and nutriments in one place to grow a certain crop are poisoning the land and water of another area. The biotechnology industry has created a system that perpetuates the use of more and more chemicals, genetically modified food, and a strict control over what can be grown and where, all in the name of greed. They are literally killing us! The treatment of the animals, how they are cared for before they are slaughtered and the process of slaughtering in some cases is a disgrace. The lack of respect for life and care of these creatures in the name of greed is staggering. Most people have no idea where their food comes from, how it is created, or what is in it. The Food and Drug Administration, which is meant to protect and promote public health, is a part of the problem as the money and greed of the biotech, pharmaceutical and insurance companies has the FDA in their pockets.
8) Greed has taken some of the best ideas man has ever come up with, crushed and buried them. These are ideas for clean energy, in some cases free, community living, cultural identity, and a peaceful planet. People have been killed because of their ideas and the threat to the system. There is no incentive for change for this and more have threatened the money base of large corporations and multinationals who are unable to take humanity and the planet into consideration because of the need to fill their greedy pockets; they will never have enough.
9) If one looks at the things that have been done in the name of greed, other words are used of course, like progress, growth etc., it is insane! When one group of people are considered more important than another, when the need for material destroys to the point of eradication and extinction, when we can not stop for our need, we are sick, mentally ill, compulsive in our destruction.
There are some of us that understand this. Understand our place within the Matrix, the beauty that is wholeness and holiness. We understand less is more, small is big, slow is fast. We understand that healing comes from a place within and with connection. We know that concepts like power, money, and control are man made illusions created to fill a damaged and empty soul.
May we all come together in the name of the Oneness, as was initially intended. Blessings to all who read this, from my heart to yours. The seed has been planted.