Where Are We Now? New Moon, Moon of Seed and Beltane. Jump across a fire and make love, this love being the compost for all of our dreams and hope! We wait for that which has been planted to manifest. To be nourished with our love and light, good thoughts and intentions, the giving. Is there space for other in your reality? The Earth and all that are on it; for the next generation(s)? In your dreams, in your planting are you envisioning the Earth pristine, the air clean, all the beings healthy and vibrant? Was this in your seed?
As the seed breaks forth, emerging, a new life to celebrate with love and laughter. The cycle of nature ever going forward, ever creating the path that has been stepped upon by all, in all time, now is ours. The nourishing, being nourished, the cosmic spiral, the dance of life, can you see your self? Be my partner will you? I invite you to actively participate in this dance. Become the dancer of your destiny, the destiny of the Earth and all that live upon it and will live upon it. So tiny this seed, such care needed.